Making Money as a Producer Online -

Making Money as a Producer Online

Any producer with an internet can sell beats online and make at least a few thousand dollars a month. Selling beats is easy and it can be done by just about anybody.

It’s not about who you know, but how hard you’re willing to work and research. If you’re sitting back waiting for something to happen, you’ll definitely never make it anywhere. However if you step up and take action, work hard and grind… You’re destined for success!

A lot of people act like I’m saying obvious things when I talk about working hard… But most people simply don’t understand what I mean.

If your cell phone is buzzing, your IM is open and MySpace, Facebook etc are on your web browser than you’re not working!

Ask yourself a question:

Is what you’re doing on a daily basis helping you get closer to your goals? If you wake up in the morning and immediately get on your computer, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re working towards a career on the internet.

Checking your email: Does it help you come closer to your goals? Do you reach the next level every time you check it? If not, then don’t waste so much time on it!

MySpace/Facebook etc: Does checking your MySpace help you get closer to your goals? No.

Researching: Does researching your market and coming up with new ideas to promote yourself going to get you closer to your goals? Yes.

Your best bet is knowledge… Your second best bet is motivation. If you work hard to obtain knowledge then write up a plan on what you’re going to do and actually DO it, then you’re taking a step in the right direction.

Stop playing video games, watching T.V. and wasting time! Work hard if you want to get paid well.

This is the best advice I can give.


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The Game Plan
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